My hair has always been a source of beauty for me, even though I’m not much of a stylist. 😊 My journey began about 14 years ago with a simple goal: finding a product to soothe a tender scalp caused by medication.
The day started as a typical visit to the doctor’s office at 8:30 AM. With no expectations other than some discomfort, I was having a great day. I was instructed to wait until the doctor reviewed the results. Thinking nothing of it, I was okay. However, my day turned into six hours of waiting with additional tests being performed.
At age 40, first mammogram, diagnosed with breast cancer.
I was told it was in a very early stage and could be treated. I sought a second, third, and even a fourth diagnosis before it finally set in. Thus began my journey to fight breast cancer with surgery and treatments.
I am thankful to say that by the grace of God, I am cancer free and a SURVIVOR!
We’ve all heard the stories or witnessed someone who has been through cancer treatment. It is unpleasant, no matter how little or how much you undergo. During my treatment, one of the areas affected was my scalp.
Honestly, my hair looked nice and continued to grow, so I didn’t put much thought into my scalp. Until…
As my hair started to shed, my hair routine changed. My body, from head to toe, was going through a transition. I no longer had the beauty of my hair, and I noticed my scalp was very tender. So tender that I didn’t want anything to touch it. Before treatment, I was a regular at the salon, but during that time, I couldn’t tolerate anything touching my scalp—not the brush, comb, pillow, or even the hair strands. I tried different products for scalp treatment, anything to provide relief for the soreness. Some worked, but the relief was often temporary. I began researching natural soothing agents that benefit the hair, embarking on a journey to find a leave-in product that could calm my scalp. My husband jokes that I use everything in our kitchen for my hair, and that’s mostly true! As I experimented with different ingredients, my mom, my biggest supporter and beta tester, joined me on this “natural hair” journey. She has tried every variation of the product. Thank you, Mom!
In 2024, my dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. As she started treatment, she asked me about scalp tenderness and what I used. I sent her my leave-in conditioner. She called me back to say the product soothed her scalp, allowing her to get some much-needed rest as she recovers. I am grateful to offer her a little comfort. Her hair is growing back on a calm scalp. We would love to hear your thoughts. Take care. 😊
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